Aéroport international Léopold Sédar Senghor
Mon - Fri, 2022
7:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Immeuble San Marco
BP 8163 Dakar - Sénégal
+221 33 865 40 27
Mon - Fri, 2022
7:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Immeuble San Marco
BP 8163 Dakar - Sénégal
+221 33 865 40 27
Praia, Cabo Verde | |
Thursday, 16 February 2023 10:00Friday, 17 February 2023 12:00 | |
Contact : event@satnav-africa.com copy to agnes.kobusinge@satnav-africa.com and moustapha.boukary@satnav-africa.com |
SatNav Africa Joint Programme Office (JPO), the Pan-African instrument supporting satellite navigation development in Africa, in conjunction with Cabo Verde Civil Aviation Agency (AAC) is organizing a high-level workshop on ''The Implementation and use of Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) Services in Africa” which will be held in person from 16th – 17th February 2023 in Praia, Cape Verde.
This event aims to raise participants’ awareness about SBAS technology, benefits, and implementation status worldwide, including the latest evolution regarding SBAS services development in Africa. Specifically concerning West and Central Africa, the workshop aims also to update stakeholders on the progress that has been made relating to the ASECNA SBAS Programme (ANGA) to provide Cape Verde participants with information that will support decision-making in the creation of synergies that will foster the collective reaping of benefits provided by SBAS in the region.
The event will bring together high-level officials from the Cabo Verde Civil Aviation Agency (AAC), Cape Verde Air Navigation Service Provider, key ministries, and other institutions in Cape Verde whose user sectors benefit from GNSS and SBAS (e.g. Transport, Agriculture, Maritime, Geomatics, etc.), the Banjul Accord Group Aviation Safety Oversight Organization (BAGASOO) as well as representatives from the secretariats of AUC, AFCAC, ICAO WACAF Regional Office, ECOWAS, and ASECNA among others.
Further details of the event will be communicated soon.
In the meantime, for any questions, please use the following email contacts:
We thank you for including this unique event in your 2023 agenda planning and look forward to meeting you soon in Praia.
Webinar on GNSS/SBAS
SatNav Africa JPO and GNSS Africa will hold a webinar on GNSS/SBAS for Precision Agriculture on Thursday 2nd November 2023 at 4pm EAT.
To receive the link to the webinar, please register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sceugrT0iHtbtORRDjNszXAfcJf0Tzev2